New Zealand Association Norway (NZA)
The New Zealand Association Norway was first officially started in Oslo on the 100th anniversary of Anzac Day 25th April 2015.
The New Zealand Association Norway was first officially started in Oslo on the 100th anniversary of Anzac Day 25th April 2015.
Nyeste kommentarer
Nga mihi aroha ki a koutou. No Rotorua ahua engari kei te noho au ki Kongsberg inaianei. Ko au te tumuaki ki te kura o te ao kei Kongsberg. Ka whakanuia mena ka tutaki ahau ki te whanau.
Thank you for sharing your stories 💕💕
Is there a way to get this translated into English please?
Thank you for your time.
Så fint det ble, det var en ny slutt som jeg aldri har hørt før fra bestefar, men det var veldig fint♥️☺️